Jan Essig – Dipl. Kommunikationsdesigner, Illustrator & Programmierer
„Every job is a self-portrait of the person who
did it. Autograph your job with excellence!“
Unbekannter Autor
• Illustration
• Motion Design
• Screen Design
• Game & App Development
• Adobe Illustrator
• Adobe Air
• Adobe Animate
• Adobe Photoshop
• Adobe Premiere
• Adobe InDesign
Projekte von 2003-2023
1und1 | Illustration / Flashgame | Siggi Seepferdchen |
1und1 | Animation | Banner 2010 - 2013 |
3M | Umsetzung | Flash Microsite |
3M | Umsetzung | Flash Microsite |
3M | Umsetzung | Flash Microsite |
3M | Umsetzung | Flash Microsite |
3M | Umsetzung | Flash Microsite |
3M | Umsetzung | Flash Microsite |
3M | Animation | Messe Banner |
3M | Flashgame | Schiebepuzzle |
3M | Illustration / Flashgame | Oster Rallye |
3M | Flashgame / App | Wirf das Licht zurück |
3M | Animation | Banner |
5 am Tag | Illustration / Flashgame | Rudi Rübenknacker |
5 am Tag | Illustration / Flashgame | Gemüse Memo |
5 am Tag | Animation | Ecards |
21Torr | Illustration / Animation | Produkteinführung |
21Torr | Illustration / Animation | Produkteinführung |
21Torr | Illustration / Animation | Produkteinführung |
21Torr | Illustration | Digital Home |
21Torr | Illustration / Animation | Produkteinführung |
21Torr | Illustration / Animation | Produkteinführung |
21Torr | Illustration / Animation | Produkteinführung |
21Torr | Illustration / Animation | Produkteinführung |
21Torr | Illustration / Animation | Produkteinführung |
21Torr | Illustration / Animation | Produkteinführung |
21Torr | Illustration / Animation | Produkteinführung |
21Torr | Illustration | Kinderportal |
21Torr | Illustration | Existenzgründer |
21Torr | Illustration / Animation | Produkteinführung |
21Torr | Illustration / Animation | Produkteinführung |
21Torr | Illustration / Animation | Produkteinführung |
21Torr | Illustration / Animation | Produkteinführung |
21Torr | Illustration / Animation | Produkteinführung |
21Torr | Illustration | Produkteinführung |
21Torr | Illustration / Animation | Flashgame |
21Torr | Illustration | Produkteinführung |
21Torr | Illustration | Skyscraper |
21Torr | Illustration | Planspiel 2007 |
21Torr | Illustration | Planspiel 2008 |
21Torr | Illustration / Animation | Produkteinführung |
21Torr | Illustration | Produkteinführung |
21Torr | Illustration / Animation | Produkteinführung |
21Torr | Illustration | Scribbles |
21Torr | Illustration | Piktogramme |
21Torr | Illustration | Mr. Original |
21Torr | Illustration | Planspiel 2003 |
21Torr | Illustration | Weihnachtsaktion |
21Torr | Illustration | Circus Mondolino |
21Torr | Illustration | Snowdome |
21Torr | Illustration / Animation | Weihnachtsaktion |
21Torr | Illustration / Animation | Produktpräsentation |
21Torr | Animation | Produktpräsentation |
21Torr | Illustration / Animation | Produktpräsentation |
21Torr | Illustration / Animation | Produktpräsentation |
21Torr | Illustration / Flashgame | HP Zeitreise |
21Torr | Flashgame | HP Memory |
21Torr | Illustration / Flashgame | Hilf dem Wirt |
21Torr | Illustration / Flashgame | Frei Zitrus Alarm! |
ABB | Illustration | Verhaltensregeln |
Adler am Schloss Hotel | Animation | Flash Header |
Anja Hild | Illustration | Wort-Illu |
AOK | Illustration | Moderatorin |
AOK Vigo | Illustration / Flashgame | Imbiss Ingo |
AOK Vigo | Illustration / Flashgame | Fritz der Flitzer |
AOK Vigo | Illustration / Flashgame | Fußballer fangen |
AOK Vigo | Illustration / Flashgame | Frosch Squash |
BASF | Illustration | Styropor |
BASF | Illustration | Neopolen |
BASF | Illustration | Neopolen 2 |
BASF | Illustration | Neopolen 3 |
BASF | Umsetzung | Flash Microsite |
BASF | Animation | Flash Header |
BASF | Flashgame | Plastics Plus Memo |
BASF | Flashgame | AG Balance |
Bharati | Animation | Ecard |
Bitburger | Illustration / Flashgame | Magic Bottle |
bj-diagnostik | Animation | Flash Header |
bj-diagnostik | Animation | Flash Header |
BKK Gesundheit | Illustration / Flashgame | Happy Dent |
BW Bank | Grafik / Flashgame | Memo Game |
B|Factor | Illustration | Minis Piktogramme |
B|Factor | Illustration | Ministranten |
B|Factor | Flashgame | Diozöse Game |
Bäckerei Clements | Illustration | Brezel Boy |
Bäckerei Junge | Illustration / Animation | App |
Chateau Louis | Umsetzung | Flash Microsite |
City BKK | Illustration | gORx Charakter |
City BKK | Illustration | gORx Verhütungsspecial |
City BKK | Illustration | gORx Kino / Messe |
City BKK | Illustration / Flashgame | Elvira Eggcell |
crop energies | Animation | Flash Microsite |
Denex | Illustration / Animation | Energiemonster |
Die Gruppe | Illustration | Lampe |
Erfahrungssache | Illustration | Logo |
Europa Service | Illustration / Flashgame | Service Cup |
Ewerling Design | Illustration | Diagramm |
Experimenta Heilbronn | Umsetzung | Flash Header |
Fritz und Friends | Umsetzung | Flash Microsite |
Havana Heidelberg | Grafik / Umsetzung | Flash Microsite |
Havana Heidelberg | Grafik / Umsetzung | Förderverein Blog |
Heel | Umsetzung | Flash Zeitstrahl |
Heinemann | Animation | Flughafen Animation |
IN TOTO GmbH | Animation | Flash Header |
Index | Illustration | Single Slide |
Inpolitics | Illustration / Flashgame | Scoate-i din Bordei! |
Inpolitics | Illustration / Flashgame | Antonel Tanase |
Inpolitics | Illustration / Flashgame | Socuri la Rechini! |
Inpolitics | Illustration / Flashgame | Boyko |
iPoint | Illustration / Flashgame | Xmas Fork-Lift |
Karg und Petersen | Illustration | Storyboard |
Karg und Petersen | Illustration / Animation | Onlinemarketing |
Karg und Petersen | Illustration | Websitepflege |
Kastell | Illustration / Animation | Infografik |
Kinderhaus Wallstadt | Illustration / Flashgame | Finger weg vom Kinderhaus |
Kinderhaus Wallstadt | Illustration / Flashgame | Kinderstapler |
Kärcher | Illustration | Scribbles |
Königwerq | Umsetzung | Flash Microsite |
Küchenpsychologie | Illustration / Flashgame | Küchenpsychologie |
Leitz | Illustration | Cliparts |
Lloyd Fonds | Illustration / Flashgame | Das Containerschiff |
meca dia | Grafik / Umsetzung | Flash Microsite |
Metropolis AG | Illustration | Chat Faces |
Metso | Illustration | Anlagenvisualisierung |
MRM | Illustration / Flashgame | Lidl Olympiade |
MRM | Illustration / Flashgame | Lidl Superschwung |
MRM | Illustration / Flashgame | Lidl Grillmeister |
MRM | Illustration / Animation | Lidl Grillmeister |
MRM | Illustration / Animation | Lidl Rubbellos |
MRN | Flashgame | Quiz Metropolissimo |
Netzgiganten | Illustration / Animation | Intro |
Obi@Otto | Illustration / Flashgame | Imbiss Ingo |
Obi@Otto | Illustration / Flashgame | Einlass Eddie |
Obi@Otto | Illustration / Flashgame | Fitz der Flitzer |
Obi@Otto | Illustration / Flashgame | Andy Adlerauge |
Obi@Otto | Illustration / Flashgame | Fußballer fangen |
Osiris | Umsetzung | Flash Microsite |
Osiris | Grafik / Umsetzung | Flash Microsite |
Panalpina | Illustration / Flashgame | Containerstapler |
Powerballs | Illustration | Gyronauts from Space |
Provinzial | Flashgame | 4Gewinnt |
Provinzial | Flashgame | 17 und 4 |
real,- | Flashgame | pretul real,- |
Roto | Illustration / Flashgame | Rotomat |
RVG | Grafik / Flashgame | Schiebepuzzle |
SAP | Flashgame | Connect4 |
SAP | Flashgame | Pacman |
Schalk und Friends | Flashgame | Der Rauch des Todes |
Schwörer | Illustration / Animation | Wärmetechnik |
Serviceplan | Illustration / Animation | LH Eichhörnchen |
Serviceplan | Illustration / Animation | LH Weihnachtsaktion |
Shirocom | Illustration / Animation | Landung |
Siga Telekom | Illustration / Flashgame | Fußball Slotmachine |
Skoda | Illustration | Kalender |
Sparkasse | Illustration | Sparschweine |
Sparkasse | Illustration | Schatzkarte |
Spikycards | Umsetzung | Flash Microsite |
Third of Life | Illustration | FB Gewinnpiel |
Third of Life | Illustration | Piktogramme |
Third of Life | Illustration | Trailer |
TOP Model | Flashgame | Chaos Zimmer |
TOP Model | Flashgame | Fotoshooting |
TOP Model | Flashgame | Catwalk |
TOP Model | Flashgame | Model Run |
TOP Model | Flashgame | Koffer packen |
TOP Model | Flashgame | Win4You |
TOP Model | Flashgame | Schnäppchenjagd |
TOP Model | Flashgame | Model Memo |
Traumland | Illustration | Übersichtskarte |
Traumland | Illustration | Sympathiefigur |
Trelleborg | Illustration | Sympathiefigur Didit |
Trelleborg | Illustration | EASY! Kampagne |
Trelleborg | Illustration | Cartoons |
Trelleborg | Animation | Screensaver |
Trelleborg | Illustration / Animation | Screensaver |
Trelleborg | Illustration / Animation | Laufanimation |
Viva Eventgastronomie | Grafik / Umsetzung | Flash Microsite |
VOX | Illustration / Flashgame | Six Feet Under |
WAZ | Umsetzung | Planbar |
WDV | Illustration | Logo |
WDV | Illustration | Karikaturen |
WDV | Illustration / Animation | Notfallanimation |
Weber | Illustration | Tipps |
Weiss | Illustration / Animation | Energiespartechnik |
weitclick | Animation | Header Animation |
weitclick | Animation | Morgenschützer |
Wiesenau | Illustration | Reinzeichnung |
WWRY | Flashgame | Ostergame |
Yuniik | Illustration | Werbefritze |